Our Courses

We are very happy to introduce many dynamic courses which includes many new and great features happy to …

  • Better designed programs for you
  • Online Availability to sources
  • Helping Board in your learning management

Our Teachers

We have got some best teachers available in town who can help you to polish your skills as much as you can …

  • Better designed programs for you
  • Online Availability to sources
  • Helping Board in your learning management

Admission Proccess

We are happy to tell you that we are accepting new addmissions for new batch so dont delay get …

  • Find a course best suits your skills
  • Attent the seminar related to that course
  • Helping Board in your learning management

Welcome to Webful Education!

We are eager to give you best Education and style.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam feugiat mauris quis volutpat fermentum. Nunc nec nisi vitae ipsum pharetra tincidunt. Nam vel purus dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec laoreet iaculis elementum. Aliquam ligula nisi, molestie faucibus tortor quis, vulputate imperdiet turpis. In iaculis arcu et aliquam dapibus. Nulla facilisi.

Nunc pellentesque euismod felis id posuere. Nunc maximus aliquet varius. Cras ornare tristique est vel porttitor. Fusce tempor, augue sagittis congue ornare, tortor augue elementum augue, quis egestas nisi ipsum eget urna. Suspendisse vitae lectus quis turpis dapibus euismod eget a metus. Nulla eget nunc purus. Ut egestas et nulla at pretium. Pellentesque sed varius lectus.

Our Teachers

Some Special Teachers From The Industry!

Mirtha Aravena Aguilar

Monitora Taller Gastronomía

Mauricio Chiguay Chiguay

Asistente de Carrera Técnica Construcciones Metálicas

Magaly Sánchez Muñoz

Inspectora Educacional de Pasillo

José Barrientos Aguilante

Inspector Educacional de Pasillo

Francisco Cárcamo Mansilla

Inspector Educacional de Pasillo

Cristian Cagliano Rojas

Monitor Taller Mueblería

Carlos Gallardo Andrade

Asistente de Carrera Técnica Construcciones Metálicas

Carlos Bahamonde Ulloa

Inspector Educacional de Pasillo

Camila Serpa Cárcamo

Inspectora Educacional de Pasillo

Adiel Barrientos Barrientos

Inspector Educacional de Pasillo

Marcelo Latorre Vera

Docente Lengua y Literatura

Claudia Peñaloza

Docente Lengua y Literatura

Carlos Vidal

Docente Especialidad Construcciones Metálicas

Carlos Vásquez

Docente Especialidad Construcciones Metálicas

Gerardo Godoy Padilla

Docente Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales

Mario Soto Pérez

Encargado de Alternancia TP

Juan Carlos Soto Cárdenas

Docente Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales

Esteban Jara Oyarzún

Docente Especialidad Administración

Waldemar Rosas Barrientos

Docente Educación Física

Cristian Vargas Soto

Docente Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales

Cesar Vivar Ruiz

Docente Matemáticas.

Walter Abarzúa Garrido

Docente Lenguaje y Comunicación.

Ivonne Manosalba

Coordinadora Enlace.

Our Store

We have some great products for you as well!

[recent_products per_page="4" columns="4"]

Our Pricing

Some Special Teachers From The Industry!


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
  • Eiusmod tempor incididunt
  • Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua
  • Ut enim ad minim veniam
Join Our Institute


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
  • Eiusmod tempor incididunt
  • Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua
  • Ut enim ad minim veniam
Join Our Institute


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
  • Eiusmod tempor incididunt
  • Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua
  • Ut enim ad minim veniam
Join Our Institute

Upcoming Events

Our Upcoming Seminars/Events Dont Miss Out!

Reunión CAE 2019-2020

Reunión CAE 2019-2020 con la participación de las diversas empresas que componen la comuna de Dalcahue y alrededores.

Timinings: 15:30 PM
Date: 2019-08-28

Join Event


Desde el día 19 al 24 de agosto se llevará a cabo la SEMANA EMPRESARIAL en las dependencias de nuestro establecimiento.

Timinings: 10:20 AM
Date: 2019-08-19

Join Event


El día 30 de Agosto se realizará un acto de celebración en relación al Día de la Educación Media Técnico-Profesional en nuestro establecimiento a las

Timinings: 10:30 AM
Date: 2019-08-30

Join Event


Some Amazing Stuff From Our Campus



Select A Course You Like And Explore It!

Once upon a time there was a thirsty crow he flew here and there in search of water.


Join A Seminar To Know More About It!

But he could not find water anywhere at last he reached in a garden where he saw a pitcher.


Get Enrolled And Start Better Future With Us!

Thirsty Crow should Call us at: 123-123-1234 to drink water asap before all seats are reserved.


What Parent's Say About Us?

Very happy to find this institute!

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional! Maria Doe

Maria Jhon

Staff Behaviour

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional! Maria Doe

Maria Jhon

Very happy to find this institute!

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional! Maria Doe

Jhon Doe

Staff behaviour

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional! Maria Doe

Jhon Doe

Our Partners

We Are Proudly Partner With Following Companies

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